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Elections in Mali
Political Profile
Political System: Transitional
Interim President: Dioncounda
Traoré (ADEMA) [since 12 April 2012] The President is elected by direct popular vote for a 5-year term. Electoral System: Two Round (Run-off). Note: The elected President, Amadou
Toumani Touré, was overthrown in a 22 March 2012 military coup.
Interim Prime Minister: Cheick Modibo Diarra [since 17
April 2012] The Prime Minister is appointed by the President.
National Assembly [unicameral] (160 Seats) 147 members
are elected by direct popular vote using the two-round (run-off), 13 members representing Malians abroad are elected separately;
members serve 5-year terms. Note: The National Assembly was suspended after the 22 March 2012 military
Political Situation since Independence
1960-1968 One Party State (US-RDA)
1968-1976 Military Regime
1976-1979 Military Regime & [De-Facto] One Party State (UDPM)
1979-1991 One Party State (UDPM)
1991-1992 Transitional Government & Multiparty Transition
1992-2012 Democracy
2012 Military Regime
2012- Transitional Government
2012 Freedom House Rating:
Political Rights - 2, Civil Liberties - 3, Status: Free [Note: The ratings reflect conditions in the country during
2011, prior to the 22 March 2012 military coup.]
Next Scheduled Presidential Election: N/A
Next Scheduled National Assembly Election: N/A
Political Parties: ADEMA
- Alliance for Democracy in Mali (centrist), BARICA - Alternation Bloc for Renewal, Integration, and African Cooperation, BDIA - Bloc for Democracy and African
Integration, CADDI - African Congress for Democracy, Development, and Integration, CDS - Democratic and Social Convention,
CNID - National Congress for Democratic Initiative, COPP - Convention for Progress and the People, FAMA - African Front for
Mobilization and Alternation, FNRSIT - National Front for Renewal and Safeguard of Territorial Integrity, MIRIA - Movement
for Independence, Renewal, and African Integration, MPD - Popular Movement for the Development of the Republic of West Africa,
MPR - Patriotic Movement for Renewal, PARENA - Party for National
Renewal, PARI - African Party for Renewal and Integration,
PARISA - Alliance Party for Renewal, Integration, and African Solidarity, PCR - Citizens' Party for Renewal, PDJ - Democracy
and Justice Party, PDP - Party for Democracy and Progress, PDR - Party for Democracy and Renewal-Dounkafa Ton, PE - Ecological
Party of Mali, PIDS - Party of Independence, Democracy, and Solidarity, PMPS - Malian Party for Social Progress, PPP - Popular
Party for Progress, PRS - Sudanese Regrouping Party, PSP - Solidarity and Progress Party, PSP - Sudanese Progressive Party,
PUDP - Party for Unity, Democracy, and Progress, RAMAT - Malian Rally for Labor, RDP - Rally for Democracy and Progress, RDT
- Rally for Democracy and Labor, RND - National Rally for Democracy, RPM - Rally for Mali, SADI - African Solidarity for Democracy
and Independence, UDD - Union for Democracy and Development, UDPM - Democratic Union of the Malian People, UFD - Union of
Democratic Forces, UFDP - Union of Democratic Forces for Progress, UMDD - Malian
Union for Democracy and Development, UNPR - National Union for Renewal, UPB - Union of the Populations of Bandiagara, US-RDA
- Sudanese Union-African Democratic Rally.
Coalitions: Alliance for
Democracy and Progress (ADP) [Contested the 2007 Presidential and National Assembly Elections] A coalition of 43 political
parties aligned with President Amadou Toumani Touré (an Independent). Major parties in the coalition include the Alliance
for Democracy in Mali (ADEMA), Union for the Republic and Democracy (URD), Patriotic Movement for Renewal (MPR), and the National
Congress for Democratic Initiative (CNID); Alliance for the
Republic and Democracy (ARD) [Contested 2002 National Assembly Election] The Alliance for Democracy in Mali (ADEMA) is
the main party in the coalition; Convergence for Alternation and Change
(ACC) [Contested 2002 National Assembly Election] Member parties include the Bloc for Democracy and African Integration
(BDIA), African Congress for Democracy, Development, and Integration (CADDI), African Front for Mobilization and Alternation
(FAMA), Movement for Independence, Renewal, and African Integration (MIRIA), Party for National Renewal (PARENA), African
party for Renewal and Integration (PARI), Alliance Party for Renewal, Integration, and African Solidarity (PARISA), Party
for Democracy and Renewal-Dounkafa Ton (PDR), Ecological Party of Mali (PE), Malian Party for Social Progress (PMPS), Progress
and Solidarity Party (PSP), Malian Rally for Labor (RAMAT), National Rally for Democracy (RND), Union of Democratic Forces
(UFD), Union of Democratic Forces for Progress (UFDP), and the Sudanese Union-African Democratic Rally (US-RDA);
Front for Democracy and the Republic (FDR) [Contested the 2007 Presidential and National Assembly Elections] A coalition
of 16 political parties and organizations. Major parties in the coalition include the Rally for Mali (RPM) and the Party for
National Renewal (PARENA); Hope 2002 (Espoir 2002) Coalition [Contested 2002 National Assembly Election] Member parties
include the Rally for Mali (RPM), National Congress for Democratic Initiative (CNID), Patriotic Movement for Renewal (MPR),
and the Rally for Democracy and Labor (RDT).
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Last Updated: 22 November 2012 Angola |