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Elections in Angola
Political Profile
Political System: Restricted Democratic
President: José Eduardo dos Santos (MPLA) [since 21 September 1979; elected by the MPLA in 1979 following the death of
Agostinho Neto] Under the terms of a new constitution approved in January 2010, the President is to be elected indirectly
by members of the National Assembly for a 5-year term.
National Assembly [unicameral] (220 Seats) Members are elected by direct popular vote in multi-member
constituencies (130 from one national constituency and 90 from 18 provincial constituencies - 5 per province) using the
party-list proportional representation system; members serve 4-year terms.
Electoral Authority: National Electoral Commission
Political Situation since Independence 1975-1991 One Party State (MPLA/MPLA-PT)
1991-1992 Multiparty Transition
1992- Restricted
Democratic Practice
2012 Freedom House Rating: Political Rights - 6, Civil Liberties - 5, Status: Not Free
Next Scheduled National Assembly Election:
Political Parties: ADPA - Alliance
for Democracy and the People of Angola, AND - National Democratic Alliance, ANIA - Independent National Alliance of Angola,
CDS - Social Democratic Center, CNDA - National Democratic Convention of Angola, FDA - Angolan Democratic Forum, FNDDA - National
Front of Democratic Development of Angola, FNLA - National Front for the Liberation of Angola, FpD - Front for Democracy, FRESA-PJSD - Juvenile Salvation Front-Social Democratic Youth Party, MDA - Democratic
Movement of Angola, MDIA-PCN - Movement for the Defense of Angolan Interests-National Conscience Party, MPDA - Movement for
Democracy in Angola, MPLA - Popular Movement for the Liberation of Angola, PACOPO - Angolan Conservative Party of the People, PADDA-AP - Party for Democracy and Development in Angola-Patriotic
Alliance, PADEPA - Party for Democratic Support and Progress of Angola,
PADS - Angolan Party for Development, PAI - Angolan Independent Party, PAJOCA - Party of the Alliance of Youth, Workers,
and Peasants, PAL - Angolan Liberal Party, PALMA - Angolan Free Alliance Majority Party, PAPOD - People's Party
for Development, PAUDP - Angolan Party for Unity, Democracy, and Progress, PCDP - Democratic Convention Party for Progress,
PCN - National Convergence Party, PCSA - Angolan Socialist Community Party, PDA - Angolan Democratic Party, PDLA - Liberal
Democratic Party of Angola, PDP-ANA - Democratic Party for Progress-Angolan National Alliance, PDPA - Pacific Democratic Party
of Angola, PDPS - Democratic Party for Social Progress, PDUA - Unified Democratic Party of Angola, PELA - Angolan Free Expression
Party, PFDA - Democratic Front Party of Angola, PLD - Liberal Democratic Party, PLUN - Liberal Party for National Unity,
PNDA - Angolan National Democratic Party, PNEA - National Ecological Party of Angola, PNIA - National Independence Party of
Angola, PNSA - National Salvation Party of Angola, PPA - Angolan Pacific Party, PRA - Angolan Reform Party, PRD - Democratic
Renewal Party, PRE-Green Party - Restoration of Hope Party, PRS - Social Renewal Party, PRSD - Social Democratic Republican Party, PSCA - Party of Solidarity and the Conscience of Angola, PSD - Social
Democratic Party, PSDA - Angolan Social Democratic Party, PSIA - Independent Social Party of Angola, PSL - Liberal Socialist
Party, PTA - Labor Party of Angola, PTD - Democratic Workers' Party, UAPDD - Angolan Union for Peace, Democracy, and Development,
UDA - Angolan Democratic Unification, UND - Nation Union for Democracy, UNITA - National Union for the Total Independence of Angola, USD - Social Democratic Union.
Coalitions: Democratic Angola-Coalition (AD-Coligação)
[Contested the 1992 Presidential & National Assembly Elections] Member parties include the Front for Democracy (FpD),
Angolan Democratic Unification (UDA), Angolan Liberal Party (PAL), Pacific Democratic Party of Angola (PDPA), National Ecological
Party of Angola (PNEA), Angolan Social Democratic Party (PSDA), and the Movement for the Defense of Angolan Interests-National
Conscience Party (MDIA-PCN); [Contested the 2008 National Assembly Election] Member parties include the Angolan Democratic
Unification (UDA), Angolan Liberal Party (PAL), Pacific Democratic Party of Angola (PDPA), National Ecological Party of Angola
(PNEA), and the Movement for the Defense of Angolan Interests-National Conscience Party (MDIA-PCN); Broad Convergence for
the Salvation of Angola-Electoral Coalition (CASA-CE) [Contested the 2012 National Assembly Election] Member parties include
the Angolan Free Alliance Majority Party (PALMA), Party for Democracy and Development in Angola-Patriotic Alliance (PADDA-AP),
Angolan Pacific Party (PPA), and the National Salvation Party of Angola (PNSA); Political Council of the Opposition (CPO)
[Contested the 2012 National Assembly Election] Member parties include the Liberal Party for National Unity (PLUN), Angolan
Party for Development (PADS), Alliance for Democracy and the People of Angola (ADPA), National Convergence Party (PCN), and
the Democratic Party for Social Progress (PDPS); Angolan Fraternal Forum Coalition (FOFAC) [Contested the 2008 National
Assembly Election] Member parties include the Angolan Conservative Party of the People (PACOPO), Democratic Workers' Party
(PTD), Juvenile Salvation Front-Social Democratic Youth Party (FRESA-PJSD), and the National Front of Democratic Development
of Angola (FNDDA); United Front for Change of Angola (FUMA) [Contested the 2012 National Assembly Election] Member
parties include the Angolan National Democratic Party (PNDA), Party of Solidarity and the Conscience of Angola (PSCA), Angolan
Free Expression Party (PELA), Restoration of Hope Party (PRE-Green Party), Democratic Front Party of Angola (PFDA), and the
Social Democratic Republican Party (PRSD); New Democracy Electoral Union (ND) [Contested the 2008 National Assembly
Election] Member parties include the Movement for Democracy in Angola (MPDA), Liberal Socialist Party (PSL), Independent
Social Party of Angola (PSIA), Angolan Union for Peace, Democracy, and Development (UAPDD), and the Nation Union for Democracy
(UND), and the Independent National Alliance of Angola (ANIA); [Contested the 2012 National Assembly Election] Member parties
include the Movement for Democracy in Angola (MPDA), Liberal Socialist Party (PSL), Independent Social Party of Angola
(PSIA), Angolan Union for Peace, Democracy, and Development (UAPDD), Nation Union for Democracy (UND), and the Independent
National Alliance of Angola (ANIA), and the Labor Party of Angola (PTA); Electoral Political Platform (PPE) [Contested
the 2008 National Assembly Election] Member parties include the National Democratic Alliance (AND), National Independence
Party of Angola (PNIA), Unified Democratic Party of Angola (PDUA), Angolan Party for Unity, Democracy, and Progress (PAUDP),
Social Democratic Union (USD), Social Democratic Center (CDS), Democratic Movement of Angola (MDA), Angolan Socialist Community
Party (PCSA), and the Democratic Convention Party for Progress (PCDP).
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